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Risk Navigator

Capital Market Technology, Inc.

Risk Navigator, CMT's Structured Risk Management software, is a tradingand portfolio-management system for foreign exchange, commodities, andcertain interest-rate instruments. Usable by a single trader or a largegroup, the system distributes market data from live feeds for display,market analysis, price quotation, and realtime risk-measurement and trueeconomic mark-to-market of trades or portfolios.Designed to facilitate creation of synthetic derivatives, Risk Navigatorprovides for integrated management of multi-currency/commodity physicalpositions, futures, interest rate futures, and options, including cross-market risks. Standard and exotic option models are proprietaryalgorithms developed by Prof. Mark Garman. Trade information required foraccounting is retrievable from SYBASE. Quick and convenient sensitivityanalysis lets traders identify the elements of the portfolio mostsensitive to market shifts and the market changes that have had thegreatest impact.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: SYBASE
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Capital Market Technology, Inc.
1919 Addison St Suite 204
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (510) 540-6400
Fax: (510) 540-5505